LOW SUNDAY - “Dominica in Albis”- 16th April 2023
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The joy continues, for as we celebrate this Sunday which closes the Octave of Easter, yet we rejoice in the Easter message of new and abundant life all through the 50 days of Easter-tide. For even though we cannot see God, we are encouraged by the triumph of Christ’s resurrection and we profess our faith that God will raise us too.
16th April
LOW SUNDAY - Festal Mass at 10.00 am. This is followed by our Parish Annual General Meeting in the Vestry Hall.
17th April
MONDAY - No Mass today.
18th April
TUESDAY - Mass at 6.30 pm.
19th April
WEDNESDAY - Mass at 12.15 pm.
20th April
THURSDAY - Mass at 10.00 am.
21st April
FRIDAY - Mass at 10.00 am.
22nd April
SATURDAY - Mass at 10.00 am.
23rd April
THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER- Parish Mass, at 10.00 am.
PARISH AGM - This Sunday, the 16th April, we gather for our Parish A.G.M. which follows on at the end of Mass in the Vestry Hall. This is open to all members of the Parish on our Electoral Roll and is an opportunity to ask questions on the various reports of our Parish’s life contained within the AGM Report Booklets that were available at the back of church from last Sunday. It is also a time when we elect our two Churchwardens and two members of our PCC. Please stay on after Mass to have your say.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS - If you have any children of 7 years or older who, as yet, have not made their First Holy Communion, please speak to either Father Victor or Father Ian.
IF YOU HAVE ANY PRAYERS or Mass intentions you would like me to offer at Mass or if would like someone added to our parish prayer list of the Sick or Departed.
My contact details are as follows: Telephone: 01908 372825
Email: victorbullock@talktalk.net
I am also available in person during Surgery Hour on Saturday’s in Church between 10.30am - 11.30am.
Please continue to remember the following in your prayers:
That we may rejoice in our good fortune that we have been rescued from our slavery to sin and death through the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
For a deep and abiding joy in this Easter-tide.
For a deepening of our faith and a greater commitment to Christ.
For the strength to remain firm in our Christian faith and to give witness to it through our own example.
For the people of Turkey after the recent devastating earthquake and for those seeking to aid them at this time.
For an end of war in the Ukraine and in Somalia and the re-establishment of Peace.
That we may continue to remember, the needs of those so less fortunate than ourselves.
For our Bishop Paul Thomas, that he may receive those heavenly gifts and graces to equip him to be a truly holy pastor teacher and High Priest.
For those at school, college or University, that they may be kept safe and well.
For those who work, particularly those who have families or other dependents.
For the Government, that in this time of rising costs we may see increased integrity within the world of politics.
For peace to reign within our homes and amongst one another.
For the elderly, housebound and those living in residential and nursing homes.
For our Ambulance Service and for our other Emergency Service Staff and for Milton Keynes Hospital and all who work there.
For Father Victor and Father Ian and for all parish clergy as they seek to continue to make present in our midst the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, the other Sacraments of Christ and offer continuing Pastoral care.
For the Monastic Community of the House of Initia Nova of the Order of Saint Benedict as it continues settles into its new home in Ponce, Puerto Rico and that it finds the funds to furnish its new Motherhouse.
For it’s Abbot, Michael-John Austin, for all of the community and for those new to its life.
For the Sick:
For Sally Adler, Judy Rogers, Benyamin Kha-jeh-pour, Gary Ashby, Richard Lyons, Heather Burke, Suzanna Moirano, June Reid, Nicola Monaghan, Rosalio Eluna, Susan Carter, Pam Wilderspin, Jean Holden, Peter White, Denis & Yvonne Simpson, Paul Ward, David Lingham, Sandra Walduck, Eugenius Yung and Doris Weatherley.
For the Departed:
For Father Joseph Loveday and all the recently departed, and for Denizli Pateman, Arthur Eames, Richard Gammage, Patricia Perkins and all whose Year’s Mind occurs at this time.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord.
And let Light Perpetual shine upon them.
On this continuing celebration of the Feast of Feasts I wish you and your families a very Holy and Happy Eastertide,
Father Victor (Brother Cuthbert OSB)