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Update 05/09/2020


Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Through our baptism we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We therefore have a responsibility towards one another. There is, therefore, no way in which we can ever stand idly by and watch others harm themselves. We are reminded in our Sunday readings, by Our Lord himself, that we have Christian family responsibilities and we are to genuinely look out for one other. We therefore need to ask ourselves, again and again, are we genuine in our care and concern for all those around us?

WALSINGHAM- Since there will be no residential pilgrimages taking place at the Shrine before March of next year if you have any prayer requests that you would like to be offered in England’s Nazareth please speak to either Fr. Victor or Fr. Ian.

PARISH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- This will take place in the Vestry Hall (with appropriate spacial distancing) after the Parish Mass on Sunday 27th September. This is to elect Churchwardens, two P.C.C. members and a new Parish Safeguarding Officer and to receive the Parish accounts and reports from Parish officers.

Father Victor requests that individual reports need to be with him by the 13th September. The Annual Parish Report Booklets will then be available to pick up from the back of church from Sunday the 20th September. If you are interested in serving on the P.C.C. or in being a Churchwarden for the next year please speak to Father Victor.


Low Mass at 8 am

Parish Mass at 10 am


Tuesday at 7 pm

Wednesday at 12.15 pm

Thursday at 10 am

Friday at 10 am

Saturday at 10 am

Next Sunday (THE 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) at 8 am and at 10am.

PLEASE NOTE: The Wednesday Mass will take place at 12.15 pm and will be broadcast.

AND IF WE HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN A WHILE PLEASE DO JOIN US ONCE MORE FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP. You are safer attending Church than you are shopping at your local Supermarket.

ONCE AGAIN don’t forget to contact me if you have any prayer requests or Mass intentions you would like me to offer at Mass or if would like someone added to our parish prayer list of the Sick or Departed.

My contact details are as follows:

Telephone: 01908 372825

I am also available in person during Surgery Hour on Saturday’s in Church between 10.30am - 12 noon. The Sacrament of Confession and Reconciliation is also available at this time.

Mass is still being broadcast on Sunday Morning and Wednesday Lunchtime via our Facebook page under the Group heading: “Saint Martin’s Parish Church, Fenny Stratford. “

From time to time Sunday Vespers and Benediction will also be broadcast. We will also continue to maintain a presence on the Saint Martin’s Parish Church Facebook Page and our Church What’s App group so that we can remain in touch with as many members of our Saint Martin’s parish family as we can.

Please continue to remember the following in your prayers:

Those who have been caught up in the confusion of examination results and who still don’t know about places at university or other further education.

Those who have found themselves out of work, particularly those who have families or other dependents to support.

Those who are despairing at the future of their businesses and those that work for them.

Those who still live in fear of this global pandemic and those who live in fear and are living with anxiety and depression.

For those who have suffered due to racism or bigotry. For those who have suffered violence or torture at the hands of others.

For the Government in their seeking solutions for the common good at this time.

That at the relaxation of Lockdown people may continue to act and behave sensibly.

For peace to reign within our homes and amongst one another.

For the elderly, housebound and those living in residential and nursing homes.

For our Ambulance Service and for our other Emergency Service Staff and for Milton Keynes Hospital and all who are continuing to work there and for those undergoing surgeries as the hospital seeks to catch up with other vital treatments.

For Bishop Jonathan and all our parish clergy as they seek to work with their people to restore the public celebration of the Mass and other Sacraments.

For the Mother House of the Monastic Community of the House of Initia Nova of the Order of Saint Benedict. For it’s Abbot Michael-John, the community and for those exploring a vocation to vowed life within its family.

For the Sick:

For Shirley Milburn, Jean Holden, Paul Ward, Norman Kent, Peter Woodward, Gay Lavery, David Gregg, Eugenius Yung, Denis & Yvonne Simpson, Mary Collier, Benjamin Duarri, David Lingham, Sandra Walduck, Eugenius Yung & Doris Weatherley.

For the Departed:

For Josie Lawson, Peter and Shirley Bond, for Deacon Elizabeth Carver and for all who have died recently.

For all those who have died of Covid 19.

We pray too for all whose years mind falls at this time.

With best wishes and every blessing on you and your families,

Father Victor


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This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and
nurture of the children and people of all ages in our church community.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is

                                                                   Mrs. Yanina Iamarino. Tel: 07769035951

The parish Safeguarding Policy can be viewed here.
More information available here.

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